Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. (Meeting Place)
10315 Gilmoure Dr
Silver Spring , MD 20901
United States
Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. (WMM Inc.)
የወሎ መረዳጃ ማሀበር
Our Purpose / የማሕበሩ ዋና አላማ፥!
Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. (WMM Inc.) is a Nongovernmental, Nonprofit,, Nonpolitical and Nonsectarian association that was established in WashingtonDC metropolitan area on November 8th, 2009. WMM Inc. is a community support group and a non-profit charitable association under Maryland law. Its main center of attention is to make available variety of support as appropriate to its members through participatory and equal fitting and with unbiased approach. According to WMM Inc.’s bylaw, the association's mission is to serve as a community based foundation working to full-fill member’s spur-of-the-moment critical needs while the individual holds current full membership. WMM Inc. is committed to providing quality, community-based service, moral and other essential supports to its members as appropriate and its capacity permits.
የወሎ መረዳጃ ማሀበር
የወሎ መረዳጃ ማሀበር የተመሰረተው ህዳር ፰፣ ፪፻፱ (November 8, 2009) ነው። የወሎ መረዳጃ ማሀበር ማንኛውንም የፖለቲካ፣ የሀይማኖት፣ የመንግስት፣ ድርጅቶችን ቅዋሜም ሆነ ድጋፍ አያደርግም። የማሕበሩ ዋና ዓላማ፣ ማህበርተኞቹን እንደአሥፈላጊነቱ እና እንደአቅሙ በተቻለው መጠን መርዳትና፣ መረዳዳት ነው። የወሎ መረዳጃ ማህበር ባወጣው ህግ መስረት፥ በወቅቱ የተመዘገቡትን ዓባሎቹን/ ዓባሎች የማስተናገድም ሆነ የመርዳት የሞራል ግደታ ዓለበት። የወሎ መረዳጃ ማህበር ባወጣው ህግ መስረት ወይም ባይሎዉን በመጠቀም የድርጅቱን ዓቐም ማጠናከርና ማበረታታት የእያንዳንዱ ዓባል ግደታው ነው። በተጫማሪ ባህሉንና ቐንቐውን የማዳበርና ብሎም ለውጭው ህብረተስብ ማስተዋወቅ ከኣላማወቹ ዓንዱ መመርያ ነው።
Thank you in advance for your support from WMM Inc.
Your donation is Tax deductible!
Organization's Background
This Nonprofit association (Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc.) is a collaborative regional gathering of people with the intention to create a strong friendship among members and help create cross cultural network in an environment of mutual learning and supporting with an emphasis on cultural sustainability.
Through our jointly respective wisdom's, we are determined to converge traditional practices with acceptable and suitable ways of life to create a profound partnership among all us that expands and grow to the fullest of its member's aspiration.
Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. is currently conducting fundraising to support our displaced people forcefully from Wollega and dumped in Dessie (Wollo) and the surrounding cities. Since this is an urgent situation, we are doing our best to do whatever we can and send some temporary support within the following week(s). If anyone like to help us and help the displaced influxes, please click the link below https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9BSHZQ7U37J2G OR click the PayPal link to donate below.
“ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው"
እንፍጠን ወገን ሜዳ ላይ የሚላስ የሚቀመስ አቶ አንደ አሸዋ ፈሶ ነው ያለው! እረሃብ ለነገ የሚያስብል ጊዜም የሚሰጥ አይደለም!!
Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. is currently conducting fundraising to support our displaced people forcefully from Wollega and dumped in Dessie (Wollo) and the surrounding cities. Since this is an urgent situation, we are doing our best to do whatever we can and send some temporary support within the following week(s). If anyone like to help us and help the displaced influxes, please click the link below https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9BSHZQ7U37J2G OR click the PayPal link to donate below.
“ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው"
እንፍጠን ወገን ሜዳ ላይ የሚላስ የሚቀመስ አቶ አንደ አሸዋ ፈሶ ነው ያለው! እረሃብ ለነገ የሚያስብል ጊዜም የሚሰጥ አይደለም!!
If anyone like to help us and help the displaced influxes, please click the link below https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=9BSHZQ7U37J2G OR click the PayPal link to donate below.
“ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው"
እንፍጠን ወገን ሜዳ ላይ የሚላስ የሚቀመስ አቶ አንደ አሸዋ ፈሶ ነው ያለው! እረሃብ ለነገ የሚያስብል ጊዜም የሚሰጥ አይደለም!!
“ለወገን ደራሽ ወገን ነው"
Dear Ethiopians!
Call Us Today!
We would like to use this opportunity to invite you to join Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. and share our experience. If you decided to join us, then click the New Members tab and please fill up the form and click the submit button…we will respond to your request as soon as possible. Even if you have questions or constructive comments, please use the email address provided in the bottom of this page and we will respond promptly.
You want to visit our blog click here
ይህን አጋጣሚ በመጠቀም ወደ እድራችን እንድትገቡ በደሥታ እንጋብዛችሗልን። ወደማሕበራችን ለመግባት ወይም ለመቀላቀል ከወስናቻሁ እዚሕ ላይ በመጫን በድህረገጻችን ላይ መመዝገብ ትችላላችሁ። በድህረገጻችን በሚገኘዉ ኢሜል በመጠቀም ጥያቄም ሆነ አሥተያየት ካላችሁ ማሥተላላፍ ይቻላል።
Copyright 2010 Wollo Meredaga Maheber . All rights reserved.
Wollo Meredaja Maheber Inc. (Meeting Place)
10315 Gilmoure Dr
Silver Spring , MD 20901
United States